We're thrilled to announce the integration of Multihop, powered by Li.Fi, on the ShapeShift dApp. A significant development that further enhances DeFi accessibility for our users. Multihop represents a powerful tool that allows traders to execute complex transactions across multiple DEXs and bridges in a single transaction. 

So, what exactly is Multihop, and why is it such a game-changer for DeFi enthusiasts?

Multihop is a bridge and a swap. This enables traders to access the best prices and deepest liquidity pools across the DeFi ecosystem no matter what chain they are on. By tapping into multiple liquidity sources and bridges simultaneously, Multihop optimizes trading execution, minimizes slippage, and maximizes returns for traders. With Multihop now available on the ShapeShift dApp, users can enjoy a simple trading and bridging experience. Multihop is particularly valuable in markets with fragmented liquidity, where prices can vary significantly across different exchanges and bridges. By utilizing liquidity from multiple sources, Multihop ensures that users always get the best possible price for their trades, regardless of market conditions or chain.

Another key benefit of Multihop is its support for multichain transactions, allowing users to trade assets across different blockchain networks. This interoperability opens up new opportunities for traders to diversify their portfolios and access assets that were previously inaccessible due to network silos. Whether you're trading ERC-20 tokens, Binance Smart Chain assets, or tokens on other blockchains, Multihop makes it easy to navigate the multichain DeFi landscape.

The integration of Multihop on ShapeShift dApp represents a significant milestone in our journey to spread access to DeFi and make decentralized finance accessible to everyone. We believe that Multihop plays a crucial role in the future of decentralized trading, and we're excited to see how our users leverage this powerful tool to unlock new opportunities in the DeFi ecosystem.

At ShapeShift, users can access deepest liquidity pools across the DeFi landscape, execute complex cryptocurrency trading strategies across different blockchain networks.

Your multichain crypto home base. Share our vision at app.shapeshift.com

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