Saver Vaults

Welcome to a new, permissionless,  self-custodial solution to earn on your crypto assets passively.

Earn single sided yield on native assets such as Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, and more.
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Earn with THORChain Savers

Transparent Yield
Savers earn yield from every THORChain swap.
Low Risk Liquidity
Savers are the most risk-averse way to earn on THORChain.
Withdraw Anytime
Only your key can  be used to move your funds. Withdraw at any time.
FOX token airdrop

Simply Saving with ShapeShift

Easily start saving with competative single-sided yield on ShapeShift. Benefit from trade volume to start generating passive income on your crypto. Take control of how you save with ShapeShift.

Start SavingLern More

Stack. Save. ShapeShift.

Redefine how you HODL and save with ShapeShift. Watch your stacks and crypto portfolio start to grow instantly when you start saving!

Grow My Crypto
FOX token airdrop
FOX token airdrop

Passive Income

Savers Vaults empower your investments to continuously earn returns and enhance your crypto portfolio effortlessly. Don’t let your crypto sit idle in your wallet.

Put your crypto to work for you today.

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Why aren't my assets showing after a trade on THORChain via ShapeShift?

  • All THORChain actions (Streaming swaps, THORchain trades, Savers actions, Liquidity Pool (LP) actions are fulfilled through an internal queue via the THORchain protocol. This process can take anywhere from 1 minute to a couple hours to fully complete your desired action.Please check your transaction ids here or type in[paste your txid here]. If your transaction does not show up, please check again in a few minutes.

Why does ShapeShift say I don’t have enough funds to interact with THORChain?

  • Transactions on THORChain require gas, which must be available in your  originating address and cannot be paid from your liquidity pool (LP)  position. Ensure your originating address has sufficient gas to perform  transactions, including deposits and withdrawals from your THORChain LP.